
Ready to purchase your meal plan?

Once you make the payment, we will WhatsApp you to confirm the order and explain the next steps.

Don't forget to use your code, HOMEMADELOVE30

Welcome home Lia

Come back every Sunday to see what you will be experiencing this week!


No Seafood (Fish is fine)

Chinese Food

WhatsApp us by 9pm to cancel the meal on the next day. You will not lose any canceled meals.

Number of meals left

pending purchase

What your meal plan includes

Permanent free delivery

Customers on the our meal plan will be given a permanent free delivery. Welcome to our community!

Priority support via WhatsApp

Didn't like a meal you just ate? Just let us know and we'll adjust your meal plan accordingly.


RM5 OFF all desserts on Hawkr

All meal plan customers get RM5 OFF all desserts above RM60 on Hawkr.

Code: LIA5

Common FAQs

© 2023 Hawkr Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.

For customers

FAQ for customers (coming soon)

Terms of service

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For merchants

FAQ for merchants (coming soon)

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